Yasmeen Holguin

Gallaudet University
Accessible Human-Centered Computing
Yasmeen, a graduate student specializing in Accessibility Human-Centered Computing, is deeply passionate about advocating for the Deaf community and promoting accessibility worldwide. With a background in Computer Numerical Control (CNC) work, she has spent several years applying her skills to address the needs of individuals with disabilities. Yasmeen's primary focus lies in designing innovative products that allow disabled children to enjoy video games and engage in activities like their non- disabled peers. She believes that through inclusive technology, these children can experience a sense of normalcy and independence. Driven by her desire to make a lasting impact, Yasmeen aspires to lead a team dedicated to achieving success in the field of accessibility. Outside of her academic and professional pursuits, Yasmeen enjoys photography, quality time spent with her friends, and cooking homemade meals while cherishing the moments spent with her children.